Friday, February 10, 2006

One year ago today....

I started this blog. I can't believe I've been doing this for a year.

My daughter is two and a half years old today as well. I'm finally ready to start potty training. Excapt I have no idea where to start. I'm afraid to consult the internet for fear of coming up with 10 million different and conflicting ways of going about it. I know some of you have experience with potty training. Any tips, hints, advic,etc.?

In honor of my one year anniversary, delurk if you are lurking around. :) Just say hi and give me a link to your blog if you have one! :)


overactive-imagination said...

Not really delurking but here I am anyway.

Have you EVER known me to NOT have an opinion??

Diapers at night only is the first step and ask her every 3 minutes if she needs to potty.
Lots of happy songs and treats when she tinkles in the potty. I never spanked for peeing in the panties accidentally (to each his own) I just explained that she couldn't have a happy treat since she didn't do it on the potty and that seemed to be incentive enough for her to do it on the potty after that.

Luckily for you, girls are easy to potty train and if she's a prissy girl she'll be even easier to train.
My daughter was so insulted that her bed was wet (after she peed in it) so I explained to her WHY it was wet and she just never did it again.
Good luck and Congrats on the one year anniversary of your blog.!!

Rosa* said...

For accidents, embarrassment seems to work better than punishment. IE: EWWW! You went in your panties..that's nasty...doesn't that feel gross? If you go in the potty you will be nice and clean like a big girl and get a treat. It's kinda like potty training a puppy. Take them first thing when they wake up in the morning and after a nap. Take them before bed and nap. Take them immediately after eating, and every hour on the hour in between. I found that if you make them sit on the potty too often...they get angry..bored..and resistant. I never rewarded for just sitting. It seemed to work a lot better if they realized that they actually had to DO something in the potty to get the treat. And the first time they do, whether on purpose or by It had better be party time. Bring out the horns, stickers, Nana or "Dora" or whoever to brag. And THEN..when they have showed a bit of consistancy..take her and let her pick out a pack of panties with her favourite characters on them. My daugther loved that!

PS. Don't get discouraged. The right time is different for every child. For my oldest daughter, we tried at 2 1/2 and it was just too soon. We tried again three months before her third b'day and it was like magic it was so easy. We just tried with my two year old and although she grasps the concept, it is too convenient for her to go in her diaper without having to stop playing. Eventually they will reach a stage where it REALLY bothers them to be wet and they will tell you when they are and get angry if you don't change them right away. We are almost there. Will try again in a month or two.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year!

H has seemed a little easier to potty train, except for the night time part. She still wears a pullup at night (with panties over it, which she insists on!) She has not had an accident during the day in a couple of weeks - yeah!

Definitely takes patience and repetitiveness, and constant reminders. We tried rewards, but they didn't work for us. Calling relatives did work though :). Best of luck!!!!!!

Good luck!!!