Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm so very nervous....

about Baby Boo's doctor's appointment today. She has a little cyst (I guess that's what it is) on the back of her head, and I'm afraid of what it is or could be. Of course, we're asking the doctor about it, but I don't want to have a panic attack in the doctor's office.

I have been pretty good about not asking Dr. Google what it is because I will only find really bad stuff and make myself all crazy for nothing. I'm sure that it's nothing to worry about, so that's what I keep telling myself.

On a good note, we'll get to see how big she's getting. I'm guessing somewhere around 10 lbs. She was 7 1/2 at birth, so that's an increase of 2 1/2 lbs or so. We'll see.

Poor thing also has to get shots today. I feel bad for her. She's not going to like that. Miss Priss has to get her "daycare" shot today as well. Even though she's not in daycare, I wanted to make sure she got the second half of her Hep A shot.

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