Monday, February 13, 2006

Giving Up Already?

Yes, yes, I am. The frustration level was getting pretty high (as in, "I DON'T WANT A STICKER, I DON'T WANT CANDY!!!!"), so I think for now, I'm going to let Miss Priss call the shots. Surely, she won't go to kindergarten in diapers. Or so my mother assures me.

Miss Priss is taking one of her rare naps. Ever since she moved into her big girl bed (with no problems, suprisingly), she gave up on naptime. Just when I needed it most. Oh, well. So, she's asleep, so guess who's awake. If you guessed Baby Boo, you're right. Sorry, no prizes.

I'm tired today. Hubby was out late working last night, so he didn't get home until 2am. That is very late for me. And I don't sleep well when he's not home. So, I've let the housework slide and I'm sitting at the computer trying to do some updates. Blogger is being less than cooperative, so please check the links to the blogs I read and make sure I haven't accidentally deleted you. And if I haven't added you yet, please leave me your blog address so that I can. I'd appreciate it.

Not much going on here as you can tell. Very bored. And trying not to eat the Oreos that I know are in my pantry. Don't know that I can win that battle. :)

Who's good with movies? I need some good ideas for movies to rent. I usually like stuff that's comedy or romance. I usually stay away from stuff that is scary (I'm a wuss) and stuff that really dramatic (unless it's really good). Any suggestions would be appreciated. :) Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Two things..sweets are an important part of breast feeding...and if you aren't breast deserve the Oreos anyway so indulge...sounds like you need it...and I can sympathazie we are going through potty training hell as well...its like he developed a will over night...

Revert back to the oldies but goodies...The Cutting Edge is an all time favorite of mine..and since the Olympics are on...why not get into the spirit!! It's a romantic comedey...great movie!! Hope you have a good day...

Rosa* said...

I too have my own copy of "The Cutting Edge." Here are my other favourites (some oldies but goodies):

A Knight's Tale
All the Pretty Horses
Coyote Ugly
The Prince and Me

Um, I have rented "The 40 Year Old Virgin" but haven't watched it yet. I'll get back to you.

Sarah A said...

Funny, I recently (ha!) posted on my warm and fuzzy movies. Head on over to check them out. I could also add 50 First Dates to that list...

I haven't seen anything recent in ages. Oh, except Mr. & Mrs. Smith. I'm not a big Angelina fan, but wow, it' sure easy to watch beautiful people flirt/attempt to murder each other for 2 hours. And it's even a little funny.

Oh! Pick Me! Pick Me for the blogroll! (This is my lame attempt at begging. You'd think I'd be better at it.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the potty thing. My daughter is stubborn as anything. She could do everything required to potty train at a little over 2 years, but our slight attempts to train her failed. She likes being the baby I think, and your daughter may be rebeling against being the big girl (with the new baby on the way.) I just let my daughter go until a month or two ago, she decided she was ready. It will happen!

Movies, hmmm....I don't get to watch many anymore. I do love Wedding Crashers though. I'm sick like that. Cecily/Sarah have said that 40 Yr Old Virgin is pretty funny as well.

FYI, my blog is still linked :) - thank you!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I meant 'with the new baby around!!!' Not 'on the way!'