Tuesday, February 28, 2006

And I worry for nothing.....

Baby Boo's little head cyst thingie is just something to do with her lymph nodes. I didn't get much more info than that, but knowing that it's nothing to worry about was good enough for me.

Miss Priss and Baby Boo's doctor is pregnant again. She had a baby about 2 months before Miss Priss was born. She was just back from maternity leave. At Baby Boo's last appointment, I told Hubby that I thought she was expecting again. He thought I was nuts, but she's a tall small framed woman, and she was putting on fat only in a certain area. I didn't gloat (too much) that I was right and he was wrong when we saw her today. She is most definitely pregnant. Ha ha, I was right.

My only worrisome news is that my grandmother's cancer is back. She smoked for so long, and she developed lung cancer about 2 years ago (I think). They treated it with chemo which really took a lot out of her. It's back. Surgery and chemo are too dangerous, so she's taking some new experimental drug. That's not good. We're going to try and go see her soon. Hopefully seeing her newest granddaughter will lift her spirits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your grandma...

as far as gas goes..I had eaten a lot of garlic and that will cause gas...lots of it..although a lot of dairy will cause the gas too... it all depends on how much!!! But if you can deal with the screams go for it(extra dairy that is..!!!) I have never done the gas drops...but i've heard great things about them....

So far the naked potty thing has worked...it has left him with no choice but the potty...and he's only had two accidents...one last night and one at the dinner table... GOOD LUCK!!!