Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, I knew I would eventually look for the similarities and differences between my two daughters. Funny how I usually only notice the differences.

Like, Baby Boo is a much fussier baby. Well, not necessariy fussier, but more demanding. My oldest was always so calm. Even when she would get hungry, she would cry a little and quietly. Even if I was doing something and didn't get to her right away, she was okay with that (don't worry -- she never went long without eating). Baby Boo starts off crying loudly and goes from "Feed me right now," to "FEED ME NOW, WOMAN!" And, yes, I think she's calling me woman (I can see it in her eyes). She literally starts yelling.

Baby Boo is also chubbier than her sister and despite what I thought in the beginning, I've decided they don't look alike. That may change, but for now, I think the older one looks like me and the baby looks like her daddy.

Baby Boo also got the hang of breastfeeding much faster -- that probably explains her chunkiness actually.

On a completely unrelated note, I was very disappointed in Project Runway last night. I really liked Nick and didn't want to see him go. We'll see what happens next week. I have my favorite, but my favorites never win.

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