Thursday, May 25, 2006

Lots of Good News....

Well, I have officially met my first "big" mini-goal: lose 10 lbs. This morning's weigh-in revealed almost 3 lbs in one week. (And, of course, we won't discuss the fact that it's been incredibly hot and most of that is probably dehydration, ahem). I'm now at 171.6 lbs, only 1.6 lbs from my second mini-goal of being less than 170 lbs.

And, my test this morning went really well. I scored 95% in math (it always was one of my strongest subjects) and 82% in reading (I thought I would do better than that, but I'll take it).


Anonymous said...

Awesome! You rock!


Amanda said...

Wow- congrats on both!!!

Unknown said...

Wow - sounds like a great week! Congrats on the test and the weigh-in!!!

Sabrina said...

Congrats ont he scores and your weightloss!