Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So, what's new?

On Sabrina's advice, I decided to give Miss Priss a bedtime snack before she falls asleep hoping she'll sleep all night. Well, the first night, I almost forgot, so I took them to her when she was already in bed. Big mistake. She now thinks that she's supposed to save them for when she wakes up in the middle of the night, so she tucks them away next to her pillow for when she wakes up. The thing is, she hasn't been waking me up at night anymore (by either crying or sneaking up on me coming into my room), and the crackers are all eaten in the morning, so the only conclusion that I can come to is that she's eating them when she wakes up. I'm still getting a full night's sleep, so I've got no problem with that. :)

I think Baby Boo would sit up if she had the balance. We have a bouncy chair that converts to a toddler rocking chair, and she loves it when I set it up as the rocking chair. I only do it when I'm nearby because she'll throw all her weight forward to try and sit up completely. I have a bad feeling that she's going to be on the move as soon as she's able. Poor thing can't seem to get past the rash that keeps trying to develop in the folds of her neck where the drool accumulates. LOL


Amanda said...

That is too funny if she wakes up in the middle of the night and eats the crackers. I say that is a good girl :)

Sabrina said...

Whatever works, right? LOL That's how I've always done my parenting! I think I may have actually done it way that a few times in the beginning by just putting some cereal or crackers next to the bed. Now we just do a BT Snack at around 7:45 then they brush their teeth. I'm happy to hear that you're able to get some sleep now!