Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Day of Potty Training Success

Yes, it's one day. But it's the best day of potty training we've had yet. Night before last, we managed to get Miss Priss to pee on the potty (for the first time in a long, long time). Her daddy had promised her a quarter. So he gave her a quarter for her piggy bank.

Yesterday morning, I put her in panties as soon as she woke up. I told her that she would get a quarter every time she peed in the potty (and 50 cents for pooping in the potty). She earned $1.50. She peed 4 time. 4 times. And pooped once. If this keeps up, it's going to get expensive.

She did notice that the last 3 quarters looked a little small (and copper). I just didn't want to have to get my money back out of her piggy bank, so I figured if I gave her the pennies, she'd never notice. I was wrong.


Sabrina said...

Hey that's awesome! Sounds like the money is the way to go with her! LOL Hope you don't go broke! You may be paying her $2-3 a day soon.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great! We have had great success in the peeing-in-the-potty department, not so great in the pooping-in-the-potty department. But we forge on. This is a funny age, isn't it?

Kudos to your kid for knowing the difference between pennies and quarters! Aren't they just too smart? They'll get ya every time.
