Thursday, April 20, 2006

My name is Alison.....

so now you know. :) Not sure why I kept it secret in the first place. Probably for fear of my husband finding my blog (in case I ever need to badmouth him). I'm sure he'd be able to tell it was me if he came across my blog, so I might as well put my name on it. :)

I am getting very discouraged in the weight loss department. I'm not sure what I expected -- just a few weeks to lose over 40 lbs? Not realistic. But a pound a week? My goal seems so far away. Even my mini-goal of being under 170 lbs (hasn't happened since before I was pregnant with Miss Priss) is going to take another 8 weeks at this rate! Okay, rant over. :)

Have you seen the episode of friends where Ross gets Emma to smile or giggle by singing her "Baby Got Back?" Well, Baby Boo doesn't giggle to "Baby Got Back," but everytime she hears the song, "Hollaback Girl," she starts giggling. I don't even listen to the song. It just happens to come on the radio, and something about it she finds very funny.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute. I love when they are at the age that little things make them giggle!

Amanda said...

I always thought it was Amy-isn't that funny! Nice to meet you Miss. Alison :)

Unknown said...

Hi Alison :-)

As for the weight loss thing, I'm going to pass on some assvice. Try not to think of your 'end' goal loss so much at this point, focus on making a short term goal, of say, 10 lbs by a certain date. It helped me. If you recall, it took me 7-8 months to lose 60lbs -it does take awhile to lose it safely, but it is OH SO WORTH IT.

Some other tips that I have been meaning to pass on...I'm a slacker, I know:

-Drink ALOT of water. EVERY DAY. Sometimes when you think you're hungry, you're body is really telling you that you're thirsty. If you feel hungry, have a glass of water (or good subsititute - crystal light works for me) and wait 15 minutes. If you still feel hungry, then eat.

-Park far away from entrances of any stores, buildings, etc. that you go to. Extra exercise. I'd say use the stairs too, but that's not generally realistic when you have two kiddos to haul!

-It's important to eat - skipping meals is not the way to go. I never used to eat breakfast - now I do.

-Plan, plan, plan. This is so important, especially at first. If you know you are going out somewhere to eat, try to get the menu and decide what you're having before you go. Plan your meals and snacks as best you can. Bring healthy portable snacks with you on errands.

-Make sure that there are healthy foods in the house and you get rid of all your trigger foods (i.e., the foods that you can't even have one of or it will turn into you eating a whole bag or box.) Variety is important too - don't get in a rut - its easy to get bored and eat the same stuff over and over again.

-Choose higher fiber foods (whole grains, etc.) - more filling for longer times.

-Become a label reader, especially when it comes to portions/serving sizes. Serving size is usually alot smaller or less than you think it is.

-Some favorite snacks of mine: popcorn (mini-bags, orville reddenbacher smart pop 94 or 96% fat free); applesauce (no sugar added, single serving cups); Fat Free Pringles; low fat Quaker chewy granola bars; Special K bars - vanilla crisp rocks; various baked chips out there are great, with salsa; ice cream bars - WW has some really good ones, although they are expensive. Healthy choice has some good ones too.

Info overload, I know. Tell me to shut up if you want!! ;-) I know you can do it - its hard, but again, I can't stress enough how awesome it is to be able to play with my kids and not get tired. You CAN do it!!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you Alison...its funny b/c when you commented on my blog I didn't realize who alison so used to "A".... Don't stress about the weight thing...give yourself a good year... sounds so long, but it takes 9 months to make a baby, give yourself at least that long to get your body back...and after #2 wear your new body with pride... you have earned it!!! xo lyns

Sabrina said...

I was thinking it was Amy all this time too. Nice to finally know! :)