Friday, May 06, 2005

Okay, so....

Do you remember the pregnancy scare that I had last month? Yeah, okay. Well, who would have thought that I could have another one this month. Just when I was getting started on all of the resolutions that I created.

So, here I am thinking of what bad timing a baby would be. Money-wise. School-wise. Potty-training my daughter-wise. Etc. Etc. Etc. The list goes on.

But (and you knew a but was coming), a part of me is hopeful. And actually, this month I have a little more reason for hope. Today makes 3 days late. Yeah. The thing is I felt more pregnant last month than I do this month, and I am trying not to get my hopes up. I just keep telling myself that it is just the stress of not knowing that is keeping my period away.

So. Hopefully, tomorrow night when my husband gets home, I'll take a test, and I'll know. One way or the other. And then I can panic.


Rosa* said...

Well, good luck with whatever outcome you desire. I am pregnant with my third and have yet to have a truly"planned" pregnancy. I just figure God knows what He's doing a whole lot better than I do anyway. Everything will work out for the best! :)

overactive-imagination said...

There's never a "good" time to get pregnant or so it seems. Good luck if that is what you want. We'll be the first to know, right?
Did you figure out how to do the screenshots??


Amanda said...

Reguardless of if it the right time you will be blessed with a baby! So jealous if you are by the way :) Happy Moms Day!