Here are a few of my favorites:
unlock the door test, Bronx Tale door test -- Yes, we all love the car door test. You can read about it here.
Best Time of Day To Weigh Oneself -- first thing in the morning before you have anything to eat or drink. Right after you pee. You're usually slightly dehydrated because you've been asleep and unable to drink anything. This is my favorite time of day to weigh myself.
Bucky Catt Comic -- It's called Get Fuzzy. You might have more luck googling that.
Then there are the pregnancy ones: (Note: I am not a doctor and do not give medical advice.)
35 weeks preganant can you still have sex -- I did. But please see note above. Each person is different.
birth control failsafe -- Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Definitely the wrong website. Let me know when you find it.
i'm on birth control and I saw my period can I be pregnant -- I don't know. Please call a doctor.
if I took birth control pills one week after my period can I still be pregnant -- Huh? I don't understand the question.
got pregnant while on birth control -- welcome to the club. We have T-shirts.
Then there are the ones that are downright scary:
teenage potty training -- hmmm....I guess I would need to know the circumstances. Some special needs teenagers might not be potty trained. Okay, not so scary.
mother and son have sex -- yuck!
10 year old boys are still in diapers -- refer to teenage potty training.
mucus is dripping from my horse pregnant -- we're just going to leave that one alone.
And the absolute worst, most scary thing that brought someone to my site:methods a daughter can use to make her daddy have sex with her -- that is just so wrong that I can't think of one thing to comment about it except to say, please don't ever come back!
Oh my goodness...the things people type in to get to your blog! LOL. I continually get people searching about tanning and sushi and cheese. LOL.
There are some STRANGE folks out there. I'm always surprised by the terms used to find my site. This post cracked me up by the way. I may have to do one of my own some day.
I get crazy ones all the time. I think the l;ast one was "shove that old thing in my mouth" Where that came from no clue! People are nuts!
Eeeew, some of those are just awful. Yuck! I think so far the worst one anyone has used to get to my site has been "baby ate pansies" and that's not so bad. Oh, no, I'm wrong - there are also a few for "naked baby pictures" and various other incarnations of almost-child-porn. But nothing like that last one you listed. YUCK!!!!
ewwwwww - that ain't right!
Found you through Elise's site and I love it! I promise not to search some freakish thing to find you... I'd rather link you on my site ok?
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