Monday, June 06, 2005

Not Much To Say

I got a Gmail account (thanks, Angie!). I'm still learning how to use it and all, but feel free to send me an email just to say hi.

My weekend was uneventful. Since my husband was out of town, I went with my parents and my brother to the local drive-in theater and saw Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I'd have to say that I didn't like it as much as the "original" Star Wars movies (IV through VI), but I was much more impressed with it than with Episodes I and II.

Best part: The concession stand. Funnel cake and grilled cheese. I sound pregnant? And even better than that? The Rolaids they sell at the checkout counter. They must make a killing off of those. Great idea on someone's part. They should win an award. I call it the "Thanks-for-putting-Rolaids-at-the-checkout-counter-when-you-know-your-food-causes-indigestion" Award. By the end of the movie, I was eating Rolaids like candy. Okay, not really, I only had 2. I didn't overdose the baby on Rolaids.

Saturday, we went to the mall....eek! the mall! My dad needed a new weedeater. And since we were there, why not get a new garage door opener too, right? And then, of course, the real reason that we went to the mall. They have every cell phone company known to man circling the food court.

Since my brother is moving to Seattle in a couple of months, my parents have decided that they needed to get him a cell phone so that he would call them. They're dreaming. But, at least they can call him. So, naturally, I guilted them into getting me one as well. So, we go in ready to face the endless line of drivel. We will need 3 phones on one plan sharing minutes and we need to be able for 2 of the phones to have local Texas numbers and one phone to have a Seattle number. Thanks.

First place, no service in Seattle. I will not name names, but really, how can a major cell phone company not have service to most of the West Coast? Maybe they're not so major as I think. Maybe they just run a lot of commercials in my area. Anyway, second stop. Just what we need. Free phones, free calling (no using minutes) between phones, local numbers for now, but my brother can change his before he moves. Perfect. In fact, we just added an extra line for my dad. So, went in with one phone, came out with 4. Not bad. And now I have a cell phone. I'm finally caught up to the rest of the country.

So, now that we have new phones, a new weedeater, and a new garage door opener, it is time to install said garage door opener. This was a hilarious event. Two perfectly intelligent people trying to read a very, very poorly written instruction manual. I've decided that's how they make you pay for installation. You get the damn thing home and start looking at instructions and then call them back and say, "Whoa, please come install this because I can't read your instruction manual." My job was to sit around and watch and make sure my daughter didn't get in the way. That sounds easy, but my daughter was very interested in helping hand nuts and bolts to my dad on the ladder cursing the poor instructions. My mother was on the ground trying to read the same instructions and giving helpful advice like, "Well, I'm not sure exactly what this little doohickey that goes in that wheel is."

Finally at 10:30, the garage door would go up and down on its own without manual power. All that was left was to install the sensors. My father didn't think we should. Something about how they shouldn't force you to be safe.....but, since my mother and I said that we would do it if he didn't (since I'm the one with the almost 2 year old here) and you really can't bypass it or anything, Dad went all out with the staple gun making sure every inch of wire was tacked down in the perfectionist way that he does everything. Mom and I were smart. All we had to do was offer to do it ourselves. Hehe. There was no way that he was going to trust us to do it correctly (even though we would have). Therefore, we didn't have to do much of anything.

My husband came home yesterday. Yay! Of course, this is haircut week. I hate haircut week. We decided about 3 months ago that we should buy some clippers so that I could cut his hair. It looks more professional that way, right? My husband had a flat top haircut. Let's just say, I have much more respect for his barber now. Realistically speaking, we have saved a lot of money. Haircuts were costing him about $12 to 15 per haircut. The clippers cost us $23. So, every other week since the beginning of February is about 10 haircuts or so. Let's see at $12/haircut, that's $120, minus the cost of the clippers, equals $97 that he owes me we've saved.

So, I get to look forward to haircutting and laundry when I get home. Woohoo. I can't wait. Hopefully my little monster daughter is having a good day.


Sasha@Pw said...

You're getting so modern with the new email and the cell phone! ;)

Rosa* said...

Girl, for someone with "not much to say", you said it all. First of all, I'm am SO jealous that you can get funnel cakes at the movies there! You can only get them around here if the fair is in town or there is some other festival with vendors around. I have a good recipe to make your own though. If I find it I'll share it with you!

Secondly, don't get me started on crappy cell phone service. We had great reception at our old house, but we are in a dead zone here. I have to literally go DOWNSTAIRS (does that make sense?)and STAND on my couch to get two bars. If it's not raining I can MAYBE get three from about 4 steps northwest off the back landing outside. *shaking head*

Amanda said...

I cut my husbands hair every 6 weeks or so. I am good now, but in the beginning it would look so funny. We just use clippers. He refuses to to go get it cut now :)

Funnel cakes and grilled cheese are acceptable pregnant girl foods! Next you'll want extra onions on everything :)