And then there are the wonderful things that my father taught her (aren't grandfathers great?). He taught her things like saying, "Ahhhh..." after you get a drink. The most recent thing that he taught her is "Buck aside." My father has said buck aside as long as I can remember. It means get out of the way. If you are in the way, he'll come up next to you and say buck aside.
So, now, my daughter gets in the way (she doesn't think so, but I'm the one doing the dishes not her) and starts saying, "Buck side, buck side, buck side." It's incredibly cute to hear this little girly voice telling me to move out of the way, but I can't smile. I don't want her to keep doing that.
The other thing that I can't smile at is the, "Mama, husssshhhhh." My husband and I will be in the car driving along and talking, and she'll be in the back seat telling us to hush. What I don't know is where she learned the word hush. I don't use that word. Shut up, be quiet, that's enough. Those all work much better for me. Daycare must use hush. I'm not sure.
My daughter is learning to test her limits not only with me but also with my mother. She was pulling up flowers in my mother's front flowerbed yesterday. She had to go inside (which she hates). Then when my daughter and my father went outside a little while later, she started doing it again. My mother made her stop and apologize for picking the flowers.
"I sawry, Mimi."
Then, my father picked a flower and brought it to my mother and said, "I'm sorry, too, Mimi." What a great role model.
On a completely unrelated note, my brother has moved back in with my parents for the summer. He and Cody were going to live together this summer before he went to law school. Well, when Cody died, there was no way that my brother could afford the place by himself, so he moved home for the summer. He's never there, though.
But, with him came Mojo, his cat. Mojo is a great cat. He took instantly to my daughter and I. He lets my daughter
We don't have any great weekend plans. I'm just ready for work to be over. Only about 2 1/2 hours now.
Your daughter sounds so cute! I love when they first learn new words and it sounds so cute to hear them say them!
She will continue to test till she is about 21 :) Remember how we were as girls- that is how I am sure ours will be :) Hope you are feeling good!
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