Friday, March 25, 2005

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man!

Patty Cake/Patty Cake/Baker's Man
Bake Me A Cake As Fast As You Can
Roll It/And Pat It/And Throw It In The Pan!

That's how I learned patty cake. I later learned that many people say it this way:

Patty Cake/Patty Cake/Baker's Man
Bake Me A Cake As Fast As You Can
Roll It/And Pat It/And Mark It With A B
And Put It In The Oven For Baby And Me!

That one is cute, too. But my daughter has her own version. The problem is that I don't know her version. Right after, "roll it," she mumbles something and does a hand gesture that I can't figure out. She makes an L with her index finger and thumb (think: when people would say, "Loser!" and make the sign over their forehead). She does this with both hands and starting at about eye level in front of her, she moves her hands down to about chin level.

This is obviously a way that she learned it from someone, somewhere. I didn't teach it to her. My husband didn't teach it to her. Daycare workers thought I was off my rocker when I asked them to do patty cake for me. That was kind of funny, actually. I emailed my mother-in-law to see if she taught my daughter this version.

I thought at first she had her songs mixed up and that she was doing the "Down came the rain," line from the Itsy-Bitsy Spider. But she does it during the same point every time. I don't know. I'm not trying to make her stop, but I at least want to be able to sing along with her.

If anyone knows what she is trying to do, please clue me in!

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