Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Pregnancy represents one of the great unknowns in life. Everyone’s at least a little worried about how it will turn out.
Lawrence Kutner

No I can't think of a better title than that. My brain has been overtaken by hormones. Just what kind of hormones remains to be seen. You see, I don't know if I'm pregnant or not.

I definately wasn't trying to get that way, but I have a beautiful 19 month old daughter who was conceived on birth control pills, so I haven't had a lot of luck in the contraception department. AF is due April 4th or 5th.

These are the symptoms I'm having (as well as what the voice in my head says are the reasons that I'm not pregnant):
1. My breasts are big. I'd say as big as when I was nursing my daughter. My breasts swell every month during PMS, but I don't think they've ever been this big. They are also very sore more so than usual.
2. I'm having headaches all the time which I never have during PMS. But, I am a little stressed over the situation, and that could be causing the headaches.
3. I am exhausted. I normally have lots of energy before AF arrives. But, I'm not sleeping very well.
4. I'm not sleeping very well. But, I'm a little stressed.
5. I've had some light cramping over the past day which I've never had during PMS until the day before I start. It's not nearly the same intensity. No explanation there.
6. I'm feeling queasy a lot. Not just sick to my stomach, but almost dizzy. Still going with the stress.
7. I have to pee. A lot. I'm drinking more water in case I am pregnant.

And the voice in my head would also like to add that I took a hpt yesterday got a negative. To which I would like to respond that it would probably be too early to tell. This is going to be a very long week.

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