Friday, January 26, 2007

It's Strep Throat....

Doctor confirmed, anti-biotics will start as soon as Hubby picks them up. He was waiting for them last I knew.

And then the idiot is stupid enough to tell me that rheumatic fever runs in his family. I didn't know it could run in a family, but there seem to be some scientists who think that genetics plays a link in whether or not it might possible develop (from untreated or undertreated strep throat). So, now I've convinced myself that within a couple of weeks, she'll have rheumatic fever and all the complications of that (which
Dr. Google has been so good as to fill me in on). Not good.

Oh, and since Baby Boo drinks from any cup she finds and is already feeling under the weather herself, she'll get both strep and rheumatic fever as well.

I feel a panic attack coming on. The rational, normal side of me says, um, Alison, did you read that part about untreated or undertreated strep? Since she'll be on antibiotics and will take the full course, there shouldn't be a problem. And the family history is way back (neither Hubby nor his siblings have had it -- just an uncle (at least one) and his grandfather) before antibiotics were as widespread as they are now. That's what I'm going with at least. However, the worrying mommy part of me expects the worst.

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

I hope she gets to feeling better soon and Baby Boo doesn't end up getting it! Definately no fun when everyone ends up getting it.