Thursday, April 14, 2005

More Random Thoughts

Random Thought #2
My daughter's daycare teacher thinks she's smart. See, it's not just me. :) Just kidding (not about her daycare teacher thinking she's smart, but that I'm the only one--her dad thinks so too!)

Random Thought #3
I love when my daughter tries to say something, but it doesn't come out like I expect. For example, this morning, I was putting on her shoes, and she looks at me and says, "Bitsh." Assuming that she had just called me a bitch, I looked at her puzzled and said, "What did you say?"
She looked at me like I was nuts, pointed to her boots, and repeated, "Bitsh." Boots. Yeah, that's better.

Random Thought #4
My daughter has a crazy fascination with the toilet. Let me say up front that I am not ready to potty train the child and will not be ready to potty train her until at least, AT LEAST her 2nd birthday in August. At that time, I will assess the situation, and if (that's a big if) she's acting like she wants to potty train, I'll consider starting. But only if I'm ready. I think the checklist of ways to know if you child is ready should contain a lot of questions about the adults and if they are ready....but, I digress. Back to her fascination with the toilet. She follows my husband or I into the bathroom where she procedes to watch us go to the bathroom. I having lost all modesty with pregnancy and having a baby, don't care. I don't think my husband does either. Anyway, she's been doing that for a while. Recently, she has started saying, "Poo-poos." That apparently means, Put me on the toilet (with all my clothes on), give me a piece of toilet paper so that I can wipe myself, and then get me down so that I can flush the toilet. I'm starting to be scared that she'll be ready at 2, but I won't be. :)

Random Thought #5
I hate 5 year old computers that only use dialup. Hate.Hate.Hate. So bad that I type about 5 words while the cursor sits motionless at the last thing I typed and jumps to reveal my 5 words while I am busy typing away at the next 5. If this post is full of typos, I just want to say, it's not my fault. Blame the 5 year old computer. This thing is an antique. Should I just shut up and be glad that I have internet access at all? I mean, really. It's very hard to go from 5:00 when I leave work until 8:00 the next morning when I arrive at work again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, bitsh - that's so cute. My daughter has been mistaking "proud" for "happy," as in, I arrive at school to pick her up and she envelops me in a bear hug, saying, "I'm so proud!" It is adorable.

I'm sure your daughter is as smart as you think, especially based on that potty business. Ours did stuff like that too. Now she is losing interest in toilets but we're hoping she'll get it back soon so she can get potty trained sometime before her 3rd birthday.
