Thursday, December 28, 2006

Time for New Year's Resolutions?

Is it that time again? What a scary thought.

Well, let's see. I'll start with the obvious. Lose the rest of the weight. I made a lot of progress through
the pool, and I know they'll be starting up again soon. I didn't have to pay the fatty fee once in the 12 weeks, and I lost almost 20 pounds. We will not discuss how much I gained back over Christmas. I would highly recommend it if you're looking to lose weight! The winner actually lost over 30 pounds! I'm not sure if I'll join this time only because I'm actually fairly close to my goal weight, so I don't have that much to lose. What a dilemma to have! LOL

More importantly, I intend to get in shape with a series of mini-goals. I need to get back on my water drinking (ugh, I can definitely tell I'm not drinking enough) and find a way to work in some workout time. Well, honestly, I need to find a way to drag my butt out of bed early enough to work out in the morning since that's the only time I have available. I just have to do it. But 5:30 comes so very early. But, seriously, I have to come up with some mini-goals that are achievable. I may have lost the weight (or a lot of it), but my fitness level is still in the crapper.

As far as the kids go, I have every intention of trying to be more patient with Miss Priss. She's 3. Which means she's on the 2nd year of being terribly 2. Someone with older children, please answer this for me: Do they just start developing an attitude at around 2 and then it gets worse and worse until it peaks when they are teenagers? Wait, don't answer that. I don't want to know. Anyway, I will try my hardest not to get angry with her when she's holding her sister down giving her sister a bear hug for about the 10th time even though I've already told her 20 times to stop.

As far as the little one goes, I fully intend to enjoy these last few precious months before she turns into the terrible 2-year-old and goes downhill from there.

Fortunately, there are still a few moments when they are both so very precious and sweet and I love them to pieces. Remind me of that when they are teenagers.

And, for my poor Hubby. I will work on keeping my hormones emotions in check and not taking out my frustration with Miss Priss and Baby Boo on him after they go to bed. I can be a nice person. I at least fooled him into believing showed him that at some point since he married me.

Don't I dream big for 2007? What are your New Year's Resolutions?

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