Friday, October 20, 2006

I did it!

I lost 2 lbs, putting me at 167.0. Wow. I haven't weight this little since before Miss Priss was born. Or conceived. I was trying to lose weight when I found out I was pregnant with her, and I was 168 when I started that pregnancy. So, it's been at least 4 years. Wow. Just wow. Which, of course, encourages me to lose even more.

I've found the tricks that have worked the best for me are:
1. Water, water, water. Even though that means I absolutely hate water now.
2. It's a free site that helps you keep track of what you eat, how much you're exercising, etc. I cannot say enough good things about it. I really love it (and, no, they aren't paying me to say that).
3. If you eat out a lot (or get stuff through work sometimes), here's the info on lots of restaurants. And if you're logged into, it will automatically transfer the info to your account. Nice, huh?

Goals for next week:
1. Add more water. I've found that I like the water out of the fountain better than the water out of the water cooler. Yes, I know I'm a weirdo like that. The goal is 5 glasses a day while at work which should put me at 60 oz. I'm working up from there.
2. Find a way to get some exercise in my routine. The goal: when I get off the bus, there's a long way I can take to get to my office, but I usually don't bother. The goal for next week is to take the long way every day. Does walking in heels burn more calories? It should. What a cruel twist of nature if it doesn't. LOL It probably doesn't since you can't walk as fast, but I have to say that I can walk pretty damn fast in heels.

Hopefully, I have even more good news next week.

And is Blogger being mean to anyone else? I've tried to post this more than once, so if it's on here several times, it was because it wasn't showing up correctly for me.


Anonymous said...

Yay, good for you! I only lost 1 pound but I'm happy about that. I forgot all about Fitday, I used it last year when I first started trying to lose weight.

And yes, blogger is not behaving today. It took me all morning to post my weigh in.

Kristi said...

Congrats on your loss this week!!

I completely agree with your comment about walking in heels :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love hearing good news about people. Keep at it! c",)

Beth said...

Congrats....good for you...keep it up!

Unknown said...

You are doing so GREAT! You DEOTP poster child you!! ;-)

Blogger IS an asshole this past WEEK. GRRRR...