Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I Had To Talk To The Director....

of my daughter's daycare. I didn't want to, but I've let a lot of things go. They gave her back the pacifier against my wishes, she chipped a tooth, and just a couple of weeks ago, she was bitten. Well, my husband told me that things happen, so as long as it doesn't happen again, I shouldn't worry too much. I agreed not to say anything unless something else happened.

Yesterday, I picked her up, and she had a bunch of scratches on her face next to her eye. I asked what happened. "I don't know." My favorite response.

Since I'm pregnant and the hormones make me do things that I normally wouldn't do*, I decided I was talking to the director this time.

This morning, I caught up with her and expressed my concerns. I am not concerned that she was bitten or that she is getting hurt. The scratches look to me like she fell. I don't feel like she is any danger. In fact, I think she has learned a lot in her class. The director was very nice -- listened to my concerns, and I think she understood where I was coming from. I just want some acknowledgement that they knew something happened. I don't care that she was bitten -- it happens, but I do care that they didn't seem to notice, you know?

I also asked her advice on how to transition the precious little one off of the pacifier. She asked when I planned on taking it away from her at home.


We agreed to warn her teachers and take it away for good on Monday (at daycare). It still goes bye-bye at home today.

Why, you ask? What has suddenly steeled my mind to the fact that I can handle a toddler who is waaaaaayyyyy too attached to the pacifier?

Simple. It doesn't work. I got up twice before 3 AM last night to give it back to her. Then, the routine went like this:

3:00 AM: Mammmmmmmaaaaaa, buddy (her nickname for the horrid thing)..........I give it back to her and return to bed.

3:30 AM: I am almost asleep when I have to get up again.

4:00 AM: (can you spot the pattern yet) I am almost asleep when I have to get up again.

I can cut and paste the phrase "I am almost asleep when I have to get up again." over and over again, but the rundown is this, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:15, 5:25, 5:35, constantly from 5:45 to 5:55 when I pull her out of bed and put her on the couch and turn on Dora. I "slept" from 6:00 or so until 6:30 when the alarm started going off. I finally got up when she rolled off the couch (oops! Didn't see that one coming!) at about 6:45.

Her nose is stopped up, so she can't suck on the pacifier and breathe at the same time. She's not sure which is more important. I am. Pacifier goes. I still think I'll get as much sleep tonight as last night.

My question is: should I give her some medicine for the stuffy nose, or is that considered drugging her to get her to go to sleep? She really does have the allergies, so I think anything that makes her more comfortable will help her sleep better, right?

*I do not remember feeling this way when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have a bad feeling that this baby is way too much like her father.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, the hardest part of giving up the paci for us (and my daughter) was the time right before bed, when we're reading books, rocking, etc. She asked for it over and over, cried some about it, but would give up after realizing finally that she wasn't getting it. The first night was worse, the second night wasn't too bad. After that, she never asked again.

So, if she has trouble sleeping with the stuffy nose, by all means, give her some medicine for it.

Done with assvice :)

overactive-imagination said...

Absolutely give her the medicine and when you are still asleep at 5am you'll be whistling Benadryl tunes. I'm NOT saying drug her by any means but I am being realistic and saying "yay for stuffy noses that come at the perfect time". We are humans too!!
I hope the dummy removal goes well for you and her!!