Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm So Tired.....

I would like to get one full night's sleep. Just one. I don't think that's asking too much, is it?

My sweet little 2-year old woke up at 3:30 because she couldn't find her pacifier. She had one in her mouth, but she didn't have her "yellow one." Yeah, we have gotten to the point where she thinks she needs a specific color pacifier. I am glad that she has learned her colors so well. She's got them all down well. In the morning, she'll tell me that she wants her "yellow milk" not the "blue milk" (boy that sounds gross). I'm glad we have all colors of sippy cups.

So, the pacifier has to go, but here's my predicament. My husband's not quite as on board about the pacifier disappearance as I am. He agrees that she probably doesn't really need it, but he doesn't have the all out hatred for it that I do.

And well, daycare is my other problem. If you recall, after 3 weeks of no pacifier, they gave it back to her during naptime. I will take it away from them this time, but I think the have "extras." I don't know how to stop them from giving her a pacifier which will totally screw up anything I try to do at home. How cruel do I look when everyone else will give her one but I won't?

So, I'll choose a time when my husband is gone and it will have to be a weekend so that I don't have to worry about daycare. So, I think tomorrow night is perfect. I would do it tonight, but I want to wait for daycare, and I'm going to warn them now about it.

I have waited because I value my sleep so much. The first time it went bye-bye, she would wake up in the middle of the night and cry and cry and cry. I can handle the before bed fit she'll throw for at least an hour. And I can handle the naptime stuff. It's the middle of the night stuff. But if she's going to wake me up over and over again, I think it's worth a shot.

The key is daycare. My husband will probably not be too thrilled, but he'll support me because he loves me. And I will have 2 nights already under my belt before he gets home. Daycare is going to have to deal with the fact that she'll probably cry at naptime. I will have my daughter for 3 days taking naps without, but there is a routine with daycare, and she expects to get her pacifier before naptime. That expectation is not going to go away. I could have her home for 3 weeks with no pacifier, but when she goes back to daycare, she's going to expect a pacifier. If I find out they gave her one........well, let's just say that I've endured a lot without complaint, but I will definitely complain that day.


Anonymous said...
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overactive-imagination said...

That sucks. I'd be PISSED if daycare gave her one when I told them not to.
Good Luck. I hope you get some solid sleep.

Anonymous said...

Hi, just dropped by and couldn't help commenting about the daycar issue! They are definatly wrong if you requested your daughter not to have her dummy (pacifier) anymore. I work in a nursery in the UK and after the children's well being the most important thing we do is respect the parents wishes. If they don't want their child to have a dummy then we do not give them one - certainly not a spare. Lol sorry just had to say that!
Take care

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about day care. I had problems at first as well when I took it away from my daughter. They switch teachers around, etc and it always seemed like the word had not gotten out. So, I took matters into my own hands. Each child has a 'cubby' where they keep their nap stuff, pullups, etc. I made a sign and stuck it on the outside that said something like 'Please DO NOT give H*** a pacifier - we are trying to get rid of it! Thanks, H***'s Mom'

I made sure to tell every teacher she had as well, and it seemed to work!

Good luck - I know its hard! (FYI, what worked for us too is telling her that she wasn't a baby anymore and her baby cousin needed the paci's - so we 'mailed' them to him.)

Anonymous said...

I just re-read a bunch of your last posts because I was away on vacation for two weeks - you've been busy! I hope your pacifier experiment over the weekend worked. Let us know how it went! That is such a bummer that the day care doesn't follow your instructions. Very frustrating. We actually lucked out in the naptime binky department because our old daycare didn't allow kids in the toddler room to use binkies at naptime, so our daughter had to get used to that real quick, and I didn't have to be on the receiving end of any crying. She still uses it for naptime and bedtime at home but she doesn't even have one at daycare at all.

In regards to the mouse in your house, you are a braver woman than I. I actually ran up on a table and screamed once when I saw a mouse! I was so surprised that I reacted that way, but it totally freaked me out. I do not like rodents. I'm fine with spiders and most bugs but not rodents. I guess we all have our little quirks!

Fish out of Water