Thursday, November 03, 2005

Is This Day Over Yet?

I'm so tired. I just want to go home and go to sleep!

After my husband left for work, my daughter woke up. I knew it wasn't a good sign when she said, "I wake up, Mama. Hold you (she means me, but always says you)."

We made a big pallet in the living room floor. After it became really clear that there was no way she was going back to sleep with the TV on (big surprise there), I had to turn it off. She went back to sleep. Guess who didn't.

Oh, well. The day is almost over, so then I can go home. Surely she'll be tired tonight. Surely.

And tomorrow's Friday. Can't beat that (unless tomorrow was Saturday).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you got some sleep this weekend, a little break!!!