Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Moving Up......Again......

Well, my daughter started in her new class on Monday. Of the 3 children from her old class who moved up, one was out on vacation, and my daughter and the other little girl, Madeline, have played together all week. Just the two of them. They seem a little shy and unsure of the younger kids. But, overall, they're doing well.

Well, a few minutes ago, I got a call from the director of the daycare. "Don't worry, she's fine." That's always a good start. She wanted to talk to me about any concerns that I might have about my daughter being in the class with the other kids. Now,
I did have some concerns, but I didn't tell anyone about them. Well, that's not true. I told my husband, my parents, my brother, my blog, but I didn't tell anyone at daycare about them. I decided to see how my daughter did and bring up concerns later if I had any.

Well, apparently, Madeline's mother had some concerns. And she was brave enough to act on them. She talked to the director about them being in with the younger kids. So, since Madeline is the youngest of the 3, the director was calling the other parents (me) to ask if we wanted to move our children up as well.

I didn't know what to say. With all of my concerns, I didn't want her daycare to think I was questioning their decisions and stuff. I spoke with the director a little bit about my concerns and asked some intelligent questions. This is what I found out.

There are currently 11 kids in the class. Madeline will definitely move up. That makes 12. Andrew's mom is still deciding. So, there could be as many as 14. There will be 2 teachers in the class. I know one of them, and I might have met the other one. I'm not sure. This doesn't bother me at all as they are getting to an age where they interact more with each other and play alone, so they need more supervision and less of an adult to play with (boy, that last phrase is going to get some weird search hits to my site).

They do work a little more with the potty training. Although this is not a major concern of mine at the moment, I think it would be good for my daughter to get in the habit of trying sometimes and watching other kids will be helpful to her. Maybe she'll have some friends to play "Row-Row" with when she's going to the bathroom. Of course, potty training isn't pushed. If the child shows an interest (and I know my nosy child will show an interest in anything that she feels left out of), they take them to the potty. When we are ready, we can bring pullups or training pants, etc. They also try to be consistent with the wording used by the parents.

The oldest child is 2 1/2. My daughter will turn 2 on August 10. She will be the second youngest in the class. Madeline is the youngest. Her birthday is at the end of August. I'm not worried about my daughter being pushed around.

The class is a little more structured. They play in certain areas and have a circle time to learn new songs and the ABCs and such. My routine-loving little girl will love that.

I told the director that I would need to talk to my husband first, but I don't think he'll have a problem with it. It seems like it would be a good move for her. So, she'll probably move up again next Monday.

On the potty training front, she woke up completely dry this morning. So, either she's gaining control over her bladder or she's not drinking enough. Either way, I figured it would be a good time for her to try and pee on the potty. And she did! Yay! I celebrate small victories! She was very excited.


Alyssa said...

Hey A,

Thank you so much for putting me on your blogroll! I've been very slack, and haven't updated my links in ages, but when I do, you'll definitely be on there. :o)

Your daughter's new class sounds great. I hope everything works out really well for her.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like moving her up is a good idea. She'll do great!!!

And yeah on the potty training! My daughter now goes potty regularly at school, but will only sit on the potty at home and 'pretend.' Frustrating since I know she's ready.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like she's doing great! The whole moving up thing in day care can be stressful for the parents but it sounds like you're handling it pretty well too. And wow, she went on the potty! How cool! My daughter has only ever done that once and it was a really long time ago. She'll be 2 1/2 in September and I don't think she's going to be trained much before her 3rd birthday. Oh well, maybe I'll turn out to be wrong. I guess we'll find out!

Fish out of Water