Monday, August 01, 2005

A Good Start....

My daughter started in her new room today. Her teacher was supposed to call me over the weekend, but didn't. She didn't make any excuses or even mention it this morning. Hmmm....interesting.

I dropped my daughter off, and she seemed pretty excited to have new stuff to play with. It didn't even seem to bother her that the teacher was a different person. Good. Good. So, now I'm thinking up birthday present ideas.

I have discovered that they don't make toys for children between 18 months and 3 years. Well, they do, I guess. I'm just not sure what to get her. If you go to, and search out stuff for 2 year olds, it has a lot of toys that my daughter has been playing with since before she was 1. But the 3 year old stuff has things like action figures and Barbies that I know she's not ready for.

My grandmother wants to get her a picnic table. That will work. Not sure where to put it especially since my husband wants to get her a playhouse and put it in her room. I think she would use it and play in it a lot, but I know it would take up a lot of room, so I'm not sure about it. I'd like to get her a big wheel or a tricycle. She can't pedal it yet, but I know that's just a matter of time.

But smaller (cheaper) things that I can suggest to relatives and such. I can't think of any. Maybe toys for her doll? I don't know. I can't believe my baby girl will be 2 in just over a week. Time really does fly, doesn't it?


Amanda said...

I really don't like Julia's new teacher. I need to do something about it I think. Anyway, what to get a 2 year old- hmmm. I think we got Julia an easel and she still uses it every day. They make those great Color Wonder paints and markers by Crayola that don't stain.

Anonymous said...

Amanda took my thought - an easel! I also love and their toddler/older kids site Cool stuff!!

They grow up quick! Mine will be 3 and 5 in a few months!! Oh my!!

Rosa* said...

Okay, here are some gift ideas:
Walmart here has a great little music set with real little drum, tamborine, harmonica, and maracas that we got our daughter for her b'day and she loves it!!! Also, Fisher price Stage 2 Easel with Chalk Board on one side and Dry Erase board on the other. (We only give her the chalk..not the dry erase pens. And she has a ton of magnets to play with since both sides are magnetic.) Other things: Disney Princess Talking Camera;
Dress up Stuff;
My Little Ponys;
There's a BIG Dora doll that you can get lots of different outfits for. She comes with a brush, backpack, and her dog.
I think my daughter's favourite thing was the big Magnadoodle! Great and not messy!

Rosa* said...

OH, and her Cabbage Patch Newborn Baby and mini- Graco stroller. Great since she can practice "helping" with the new baby!!!

Tuesday Girl said...

My kids LOVE the aqua doodle.