Monday, August 22, 2005

The Saga Continues.....

Okay, the mouse in my house is getting old. First we had the mouse in the computer. We got rid of him. Nicely, even. We didn't kill him.

Then a couple of weeks ago, while my mother in law was visiting, we noticed that we had a mouse. Again. In fact, we had 2 mice.

My thought: No more being nice. The little snap traps will work well to kill the little buggers. I don't want to see them running through my house again.

Hubby's thought: What are they hurting?

WHAT ARE THEY HURTING?! Because I don't really want to know, I have refrained from googling the phrase, "diseases mice carry." Um, hello, how does he think the plague spread all over Europe during the middle ages? Magic? No, fleas on rats and mice. Of course, since the plague isn't really the threat it used to be, I cannot use that particular arguement. But, still. I don't want to know what possible diseases the little creatures can deliver to my child, my unborn child, and myself, and even to my hubby who thinks they aren't hurting anything.

Hubby thinks we should get the no-kill traps. Yes, no-kill traps. Because he really doesn't want to kill the little creatures that he has affectionately nicknamed "Chester" (as if there was only one!), I relent and say okay.

Much to my disgust, we catch Chester (#1) within 2 days. So, I took Chester about a half mile away and deposit his little butt by the side of the road and failed to actually manage to run him over as I drove my daughter to daycare.

So, when Hubby went to work, one of my duties was to check the traps everyday (there are 4 of them throughout the house). Nothing. Not. One. Little. Chester.

But, in the time that he's been home, I've seen Chester twice. Or probably 2 different Chesters. Hubby is almost ready to buy the killer traps. I will say that Chester is very cute. If I wanted a pet mouse (which I don't -- don't get me started on the gerbils we had that wouldn't quit breeding), I would get one.

So, hopefully, the little creatures decide to leave my house soon. If I ever see 3 of them in one sitting, I will buy the killer traps. I refuse to be outsmarted by a mouse. I still have one cat with claws.

1 comment:

Rosa* said...

When we first moved into our last rental house (before we bought this one, we discovered that it was already occupied by mice. Rule of thumb...there is NEVER just ONE. They always invite a friend and if you don't catch them quick...they make little friends. LOL At least you haven't had the pleasure of one jumping out of a kitchen drawer, running up your arm, doing a U-turn on your shoulder and then running back down and leaping back into the drawer as you slam it shut and scream bloody murder and various other obscenties. :)