Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's A.....

Bird, it's a plane, no, it's Superbaby! Or at least superactive baby. This is how the search for the gender went:

Ultrasound Tech (UT): Let's see if it's a boy or girl.
Me: *whispering* Please be a boy. My husband can't be right.
Hubby: *whispering* Please be a girl. My wife can't be right.
UT: There's the feet. And the legs. And....ooops! There's the head.
{collective groan}

Switch sides. There's those feet again, and oops! arms! Over and over again. From the brief glimpses between the little bugger's legs, it appears we are having a girl. So, I was wrong. Or we will go to our 28 week ultrasound, and they will tell us, "Congratulations on the baby boy." But probably not.

Advantages to a girl:
1. They can share a room.
2. Already have the clothes.
3. Already know how to deal with a girl.
4. No crazy pee showers when changing diapers.

1. Teenage years. I don't think I need to elaborate on PMS from two teenage daughters.
2. Well that's the only one I can think of. Oh, and paying for 2 weddings. I think we'll pay them to elope.

Oh, I did promise pictures, didn't I?

This is the head and what I am assured is a hand (it looks like a foot to me). But apparently the fingers are curled.

Basically the same picture from a different angle.

And my personal favorite of the little legs and feet:


Amanda said...

Yeah another girl! That will be my luck too! Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!! Congratulations!!! It will be so cool for your daughter to have a little sister!! :)

Melody said...

Ultrasounds are soooooo cool. PMS for 2...don't forget you so that's 3...I pity your poor husband!

Anonymous said...

Oh cool! What great pix! Girls are great - so are boys - whatever you have will be just wonderful.


Rosa* said...

Congrats either way! My oldest daughter LOVES having a little sister and that's fortunate since she is getting yet another one! LOL Go ahead and buy some pacifiers though, I noticed in that second pic the "little bugger" was sucking his or her thumb! :)