Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Don't Let Me Forget....

to post about the following:

1. My daughter's birthday (and all the great stuff she got).
2. The continuing mouse saga (trust me -- you want to hear this).
3. My ultrasound today (I have a feeling I won't forget).

Yesterday was my 20 week (actually 19w2d) appointment. I can't believe that I'll be halfway through on Saturday! Didn't I just find out I was pregnant? It was at 4:00, so we took my daughter since these can get long, and I didn't want my husband to have to leave to go get her in the middle of the appointment. I was glad that we took her. Well, I take that back. My husband would have had to leave to go get her by 6:00.

We waited in the waiting room for an hour and a half! With a 2 year old (and all that entails). It was not fun. I finally got to go back.

I am measuring 21 weeks. Baby's heartbeat is 155. I gained 3 pounds. Actually, overall, I've only gained 5 lbs, so my doctor was going to give me a lecture, but since I gained 3 pounds this month, he decided not to.

He asked when my ultrasound was, so I told him it was next Tuesday. He said, well, why don't you cancel that one. He and his partner bought a $100,000 4D Ultrasound machine and can't finance it if they don't do ultrasounds (before they went into private practice, they sent you to another location to have it done). I asked when it would be done, and he said that they could do it this week. I told him that my husband has to go back to work on Wednesday, so unless they can do it tomorrow, my husband would miss it. So, I leave in half an hour for my ultrasound. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am. My husband is certain that the baby is a girl. I'm just as certain that it's a boy. There's going to be an "I told you so" coming. I hope it's not directed at me.

I'll try to post again this afternoon with pictures! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh so cool - 4D!!! I can't wait to hear how it went. I really didn't know with my first (turned out to be a boy), but my second pregnancy was sooo different, I knew it was a girl.

So excited for you!!

Katja said...

I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear, if it is a boy or a girl!