Sunday, March 09, 2008

She did pretty well....

better than I expected. She did have a long period of being shy and scared. She didn't want to participate. But in the end, she did well and spent a lot of time running around and playing with her friends. I'd definitely call it an improvement. She is very shy around large groups of people (as is her mommy), so a birthday party that has lots of kids at it as well as lots of adults, and it makes her very nervous. And I think that part of the reason that it bugs me so much is that I'm so self concious of myself in situations like that as well. I don't want to be the parent who has to constantly be at my child's side - I don't want people to think that she can't handle things by herself. What did I do wrong as a parent? All these things go through my mind. So, it's as much my social anxiety as hers. So, I guess we'll see how she does at the next birthday party on the 30th.

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