Friday, August 04, 2006


my interview yesterday turned out to be sort of a "screening" interview. She then recommends me to the people who actually do the hiring. However, as of this afternoon, I've already had one call and have another interview set up for Monday. The woman that I interviewed with yesterday was really easy to talk to, and we had a lot in common, so I think it went well. I've got my fingers crossed that I'll have a job soon.

I forgot how fast babies learn. In the course of a week, Baby Boo has learned how to crawl effectively (instead of the belly flop crawl where she would get up on all fours and fling herself forward on her belly), to go from crawling to sitting up and back again, to pull up, to wave hi (well, there's not much waving involved so much as just putting her arm out), and to give little squishy kisses. She's growing like a little weed and is so heavy to carry for any length of time.

And Miss Priss's birthday is in less than a week. What happened to my baby? I can't believe she's going to be 3.


Anonymous said...

Glad the initial interview went well - if you got a good vibe, all the better!

Happy almost birthday Miss Priss!

overactive-imagination said...

Have you heard anything about the job yet?? Fingers crossed for you.

overactive-imagination said...

Come out...Come out....wherever you are!!
Let us know what's up with you GF!!
Miss your posts.

Anonymous said...

First interview down...second one will be even smother.

Have you heard anything yet?