Friday, March 24, 2006

The things children say....

"I farted in my panties."

"Baby Boo hit my knee with her head."

"I want a sucker."
"Maybe after dinner, baby girl."
"But I need it!"

"My tummy's sad. I need a Rolaid."

"Give Baby Boo her medicine and put her down." (medicine referring to gas drops) -- the jealous girl comes out sometimes


Sabrina said...

I have a fave here that was said one time while my daughter was playing house with her friend. Alex was the mom and told her friend Lexi (the daughter) "Go To Your Room Lung Lady." I just about peed my pants from laughing so hard.

Anonymous said...

children and husbands..

Beth said...

They sure don't hold back...they say it like it is. I love it!!!

Unknown said...

LOL. Love how they try to sound grown up and end up sounding more toddler-like.

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