Friday, March 30, 2007

Imaginary Friends

Miss Priss used to have an imaginary friend named Anton. I was waiting for the “I see dead people” moment because Anton did not pop up until we moved into an old house. And he went away after we moved out of that house.

Anyway, Miss Priss has a new imaginary friend, Ginny (or maybe Guinea). Either way it’s pronounced with the G sound rather than the J sound. I had to clarify because Miss Priss still isn’t good with the J sound, so I usually say a word back to her. When I said Ginny with a J sound, she told me that was wrong. Anyway, Ginny and Miss Priss are good friends. Ginny has a younger sister as well. And a younger brother. And another younger sister. Wow, Ginny’s mom must be really……busy. I just love to see her little imagination at work, you know?

Oh, and the dreams can stop already! Last night, it was a boy and he didn’t have jaundice. This is a concern of mine for any potential future (future being a very key word) pregnancies because Baby Boo had jaundice thanks to the difference in our blood types. She and Miss Priss share a blood type, and Miss Priss was fine. Baby Boo had jaundice which of course traumatized me. So, in my dream, I was in the hospital with my new son, and he was doing well and showing no signs of jaundice. Yeah. Cute. I’m scared now. My mind really needs to learn how to shut down at night.

*Edited to add: Just so we're all clear, we are in no way, shape, or form trying to have a baby. We are trying not to, actually. But we didn't exactly try to have a baby the first two times, so I know it sometimes happens. Hence the fear. So the chances are really pretty slim, so I should really relax.


Dysd Housewife said...

Well now you have gone and DONE it. You NEVER declare that you DON'T want something to happen, because then it will definitely happen! LOL

Unknown said...

Oh boy - I think you're jinxed!

I wonder what makes kids want an imaginary friend? I think its pretty cool!