Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Trying Not To Get My Hopes Up....

But there's a chance that I might not have to go back to work just yet. We're doing pretty well on Hubby's salary, so I might stay home with Miss Priss and Baby Boo until August when I would go back to school. There are still a lot of details to work out, but I've got my fingers crossed.

My mother-in-law is coming in on Friday to spend a few days with us. Yay! A shower without children present. Always nice. Therefore, I need to do some work around the house.

Hope everyone is having a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

A great day, no (take a look at my blog). But glad to hear things are going well for you! Have fun with those two little ones!!!! How cool that your hub's making enough to take care of everyone.


Anonymous said...

A shower...what's that??? ENJOY THEM ALL!!!! Take long, hot, steamy ones...shave everyday and wash your hair twice...take exta long getting dressed and doing your hair...I am a little jealous... but really happy for you!!!!! xo lyns