Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I came up with a costume for my daughter over the weekend. I found a clown costume at a secondhand store that was so adorable. I had to do some alterations to it (which is hilarious if you know my sewing skills). But, I must say that it turned out pretty well.

They had a party at her school. I signed up for napkins. Yeah, no cute little crust-less sandwiches for me. No cupcakes (even store bought). I found napkins at the dollar store. Can't get any better than that.

I don't know exactly what we're doing tonight as far as trick-or-treating. We might go out to my parents' house and go through their neighborhood. It's pretty safe, well-lit, and I know everyone in it. I would almost give my daughter stuff that wasn't pre-packaged. Almost. But not quite. I'm still an over-protective parent.

My husband took a day off Saturday so he was home early. It was nice to see him for an extra day. And it's not haircut week, so that's even better.

I'm in a pretty good mood today. Maybe less sleep works well for me. I fell asleep last night around 9:00. We went to bed around 11:00 (I fell asleep on the couch orignally). Finally fell back asleep at about midnight or so and then woke up at 12:34. With heartburn. The kind where I knew I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. So, I got up so that I wouldn't disturb my husband. Finally went back to sleep around 3:45 or 4:00. Cell phone alarm went off at 5:00 to remind me to go turn off the alarm in the bedroom so that it wouldn't wake hubby up if I didn't make it back to bed. Almost threw the cell phone across the room. Didn't bother to be the nice wife and go turn off the alarm in the bedroom. It started going off right around 6:00 just as I was falling asleep again. Woke my daughter up (in her defense, she usually gets up at 7:00, so with the time change, she got to watch Dora). Therefore, I'm working on the less is more sleep thing today. I bet I sleep good tonight. Famous last words.


Katja said...

Hope you had fun trick-or-treating!

overactive-imagination said...

I'm working on 4 hours of sleep today, we we'll do this together! lol.
I never did get any morning sickness when I was pregnant with either of my girls but I sure got the heartburn. I think that may be worse. Hope you don't get it often.

Take care,